Drapper Environmental Consultants Website Banner



Development and growth is a part of our growing world. Effective planning and design to ensure that this growth occurs sustainably is part of the suite of services we offer. Assisting our clients to grow their own businesses and minimise their impact on the environment is one of our company goals.

Environmental authorities in every State, and the wider community, are setting higher expectations for environmental protection, and navigating this pathway requires expert knowledge and experience. With our unique set of skills and broad network of specialists, we help our clients successfully meet their licence obligations and achieve the desired approvals.

Urban development applications (DAs) require a range of standard environmental reports to satisfy Planning legislation and regulations.

Environmental Planning & Concepts

Drapper Environmental Consultants are backed by 27 years of experience in the area and have helped create sustainable outcomes for public and private entities with environmental planning since 2009.

  • Stormwater management plans (DRAINS, MUSIC Modelling)
  • Effluent Irrigation Disposal Modelling (MEDLI)
  • Environmental management plans (EMP)
  • Site-based environmental management plans (SBMP)
  • Environmental approval applications (EA)
  • Lake water quality management plans
  • Water balance optimisation
  • Erosion and sediment control plans (ESCP)
  • Hydrologic and hydraulic (DRAINS, TUFLOW), flood modelling
  • Water quality management

Lab Testing

  • Hydraulic testing
  • Water quality testing

Environmental Approvals

Each State and territory, have a series of planning laws and regulations surrounding the development of projects. In addition, local Councils have their own Planning Scheme that outlines their desired development types within their boundaries. Approvals are granted to Applications that comply with these requirements.

Environmental approvals (also known as Licences) are issued to specific Environmentally Relevant Activities (ERAs) to ensure environmental harm is minimised. Drapper Environmental Consultants can prepare applications and supporting reports for Environmental Authorities under various jurisdictions.

  • Proposed project design and plans
  • Assessment of environmental impact
  • Environmental impact reduction or improvement
  • Outline of the site uses and proposed uses
  • Management measures to reduce potential impacts
Environmental consultant testing water and field monitoring
Environmental consultants training in a boardroom

Environmental Planning & Approvals FAQs

This will depend on the proposed development, the Council region where the site is located, and the Planning Scheme. If it is an ERA, then it may require a Licence from the State Environment Department also.
This will again depend on your site and the proposed development. A typical large scale urban residential site will likely require a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP), a Landscape Intent plan, an Open Space Management Plan, possibly an Ecological Assessment, a Civil Earthworks, road and lot layout, sewer, water and stormwater plans. Other specialist plans might include Flood (Hydraulics & Hydrology) Impact, Bushfire/Flood Emergency Plan, Odour and/or Noise Management Plan, Traffic Impact, and Waste Management reports.
An ERA is defined in the QLD Environmental Protection Regulations 2019, Schedule 2. These activities are prescribed by the Regulations due to their potential to cause environmental harm.
A Decision Notice (or Development Approval) has timeframes specified in the relevant legislation. However, these timeframes are often extended, usually by agreement, when questions known as Request for Further Information (RFI) as issued by the Assessment Manager. These can be simple, or very detailed and require extensive investigation, modelling or re-design of the initial proposal. For a complex site, allow at least 12 months.
Unfortunately, there is no simple answer here. Small developments that comply with the Planning Scheme may not require extensive supporting reports, but Application fees, and Infrastructure Charges may still apply. Large developments on complex sites may require many supporting reports, and incur significant Infrastructure Charges. A good Planning, Civil Engineering and Environmental Team can help you prepare a Budget and estimate these fees.

Water Sensitive Urban Design (WUSD) is an urban design philosophy that seeks to design new developments with water flows, in mind. In practice this looks like;

  • maintaining buffers to existing waterways;
  • providing opportunities for infiltration of runoff created by the new development;
  • treating the stormwater to reduce the amount of pollutants in it;
  • detaining (holding and slowing down) the runoff so that waterways aren't eroded and scoured, and aquatic ecosystems are protected;
  • ensuring there is adequate space for green & blue corridors for open space and cooling benefits.

Learn More

Office LocationsWorkshop & Office
4/54 Quilton Place,
Crestmead, QLD 4132

Springfield Office
12 Treetops Avenue,
Springfield Lakes, QLD 4300
By appointment only.

Passionate aboutwhat we do.